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Modern rituals are here to remember us who we are, relate to each other and connect with nature, to be grateful for all the gifts we got. 

In our modern society most of the old rituals lost their meaning. Modern rituals is based on old traditions mixed together with new forms of living and celebrating life..

Circle of Intention

In a circle of intention we are gathering, come together, make fire, meditate and sending our intentions out in to the world.

Next event coming soon, for more information:


Art Parties

Everyone is creative!

A lot of people just forgot about it and think to much about everything has to be perfect. There are no mistakes, just go with the flow and express yourself!!!

How it works

I provide the space (indoor or outdoor), different materials, different colours and organise some nice music and food.

It's a space for everyone, who wants to be creative.

I invite you to join, have fun and be creative together without a goal, just express ourselves.

Next event is coming soon!!

For more information:


Impressions from Artparty 2020 in Zürich

We made a living room floor really colourful. It was a lot of fun..

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